In addition to individual course requirements, all courses include the features, structure and requirements detailed below.
Course Delivery
At Training for Business we able to customise the delivery to each business we work with. Our apprenticeships are designed around individuals and business needs, and courses are delivered in a range of formats.
- 1-2-1 sessions
- Group workshops
- Online learning
Wider Learning
This part of the qualification includes topics such as Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Health and Safety, British Values and The Prevent Duty as standard.
20% OTJ Training
The ‘20% Off the Job’ is imperative to achievement of this apprenticeship. This simply means that a learner should spend 20% of their time on programme and in work time ‘upskilling’ themselves.
This may include:
- Manufacturer Training – processes, procedures, new technologies
- Shadowing or being mentored
- Learning support provided by training provider or employer
- Simulation exercises and role play
- Online learning
- Time spent writing assessments/assignments
- Completing set tasks
- Preparing for professional discussions
- Industry visits
- Visiting the employer’s other departments
Functional Skills
- Throughout the qualification there will be directed learning dedicated to Maths and English.
- If a prior qualification at Level 2 (GCSE C/4 or above) has not been attained and verified, additional exams for Maths and English will be undertaken ahead of achievement of the qualification.
Employer commitment
- An employer must be fully committed to supporting their employee with training and development needs, regular 1-2-1 sessions and 360 feedback throughout the qualification. This will include Personal Development Plan and Continuing Professional Development activities and records.
- Employers and Tutors should be conducting review sessions every 8 weeks as standard.