Complaints Policy

Policy Summary

The TRAINING FOR BUSINESS Complaints Policy & Procedure provides the framework within which anyone who has experienced dissatisfaction with the organisation are able to raise their concerns and also aid staff to effectively deal with complaints from learners, parents, customers, employers, contractors, local residents, visitors and others. It does not replace the organisations procedures for academic appeals and disciplinary action those procedures should be still be used where appropriate.

Informal Stage

It is recognised that many concerns will be raised informally that can and should be dealt with immediately. Normally these concerns should be raised promptly and directly with the relevant tutor, assessor, internal verifier or manager/supervisor. Similarly concerns should be raised promptly and directly with the individual against whom there is a concern. In cases where this may not be possible, there are a number of people who could be approached. The aim is to resolve informal concerns quickly, keep matters low-key and enable mediation between the complainant and the individual to whom the matter has been referred. This is entirely appropriate where it can be achieved. However, if concerns are not satisfactorily resolved in this way Complainants may follow the Formal Procedures for handling Complaints as specified below.

Formal Stage


The formal procedures are intended to ensure that all complaints are handled fairly, consistently and wherever possible resolved to the complainant’s satisfaction.

Responsibility of the TRAINING FOR BUSINESS

  • The TRAINING FOR BUSINESS welcome issues being brought to its attention to enable it to improve its services. We will respond to any dissatisfaction with its services fairly and promptly;
  • You will receive an initial response to your complaint within 15 working days
  • A further more detailed response should be made if appropriate.
  • You may be offered a meeting with the parties involved if appropriate.
  • You may appeal to the Head of Quality and Standards/Managing Director if you are dissatisfied with the outcome.
  • Information on how to take the complaint further will be provided if you are not satisfied with the response from TRAINING FOR BUSINESS.
  • The Administration Manager should Log all complaints on our logging system for Formal and Informal complaints.

Responsibility of the complainant

The complainant will be expected to:

  • Bring their complaint to the attention of the TRAINING FOR BUSINESS within 8 weeks after the complaint occurred.
  • Explain the problem as clearly and as fully as possible, including any action taken to date.
  • Allow the TRAINING FOR BUSINESS to deal with the matter.
  • Recognise that some circumstances may be beyond the control of the TRAINING FOR BUSINESS.


Except in exceptional circumstances, every attempt will be made to ensure that both the complainant and the TRAINING FOR BUSINESS observe the confidential nature of issues. However the circumstances giving rise to the complaint may be such that it might not be possible to maintain confidentiality and each complaint will be judged on its own merit. Should this be the case, the situation will be explained to the complainant and/or their representative. In the case of young people raising a complaint who are aged below 18 the TRAINING FOR BUSINESS are obliged to inform their parent/guardian.